Volunteer Researchers Receive Training at The London Metropolitan Archives.

On June 22nd 2023, IROKO Theatre Company held the first half day training session for 15 volunteer researchers assisting on the ‘Home from Home’ project, supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The session, which took place at the London Metropolitan Archives (LMA) and online, focused on research, archiving and collection. 

The researchers discovered new techniques to link disparate records such as photographs, old contracts or even police records together, to create a narrative around their research topic. Led by Learning and Engagement Manager, Symeon Ververidis, the researchers were shown round the extensive archives exploring records dating as far back as 1066.

During the tour, the researchers together with Home from Home Project Director, Alex Oma-Pius were pleasantly surprised to hear that one of their volunteers, Amouraé Bhola-Chin, had contributed to an exhibition on, ‘Mapping Black Londoners’ from the 16th century to 19th century, which was held at the Archives.

The Volunteers found the training to be highly illuminating, opening their eyes to the treasure trove of information at the London Metropolitan Archives.

Alisa Demchenko, one of the volunteers said; “I learnt many things.. Hopefully, now after learning new ways of finding the information, I will be able to find more.”

IROKO Theatre is looking forward to seeing what further information is unearthed during the programme, which takes place from June to mid – August 2023. The research findings will be used to create a touring exhibition and a performance piece that will be shown to the local and wider community through sharing days activities and on digital platforms.

The Home from Home project seeks to highlight the contributions of British Nigerians to the British Society. A second training session on oral histories documentation, delivered by The National Life Stories at The British Library will be held in July 2023.

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