Sola Adeyemi

Sola Adeyemi is the Head of Drama at the University of East Anglia, Norwich. He graduated magna cum laude at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria before obtaining MA at the University of Natal (now University of KwaZulu-Natal), South Africa and PhD at the University of Leeds, UK, in Drama and Theatre Studies. His areas of research are in world theatres and performance studies, African Literary Studies, intercultural performance culture; contemporary British theatre; postcolonial literature and theatre (the themes of decolonial and Global South studies); and diasporic African and Black British theatre in its exploration of the politics of identity on the British stage.

His published works include Goddess of the Storm (collection of stories), Vision of Change in African Drama: Deconstructing Identity and Reconfiguring History (book), and ‘Dramatizing the Post Colony: Nigerian Drama and Theatre’. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts; Fellow, International Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; Fellow, Africana Institute for Creation, Recognition, and Elevation (AICRE), University of California, Irvine, USA.

Photo & Ref: Sola Adeyemi bio

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